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(ˈbjɛlɪ) or


(Biography) Andrei (ʌnˈdreɪ), real name Boris Nikolayevich Bugaev. 1880–1934, Russian poet, novelist, and critic: a leading exponent of symbolism. His novels include Petersburg (1913)
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Especially in Andrei Belyi's Petersburg, rank as a trope underscores the disjunction between the rank and the man (the puny Apollon Ableukhov is an Actual Privy Councilor), and the lethal circulars that emanate from the senator's office figure as a medial extension of the state's annihilating power.
This "Odessa Text" constituted itself largely in contrast to the "Petersburg Text," a collective network of topoi generated by authors ranging from Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, and Fedor Dostoevsky to Andrei Belyi. Within the symbolic geography of Russia, St.
Vidunas, "Belyi functions for hyperbolic hypergeometric-to-Heun transformations," Journal of Algebra, vol.
It looked as though the presence of the police was becoming less visible, as one moved away from the city's orderly square--with its postal and financial services next to Kyzyl's parliament (the so called 'Great Khural', in Tuvan) and the central governmental building locally known (in Russian) as Belyi Dom (White House)--toward the unruly and sometimes unsafe neighborhoods of Kyzyl, which extend into the Siberian steppe.
In addition to Oertell, LendingUSA has also recently appointed Manoj Mathew, Chief Technology Officer, and Boris Belyi, Vice President of Analytics, to its executive leadership team.
The small but inspiring catalogue The Brotherhood of New Blockheads (1996-2002) by Peter Belyi, Lizaveta Matveeva, and Viktor Misiano does clarify things--and extends the mystery.
(1960b, Yar, Tomsk 1963) oblast, Western Siberia, Russian Federation Dorofeev Belyi Yar, Oligocene C.
See also Andrei Belyi, "Russia's Position on the Energy Charter," Chatham House, April 2012.