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Related to Beaufort: Beaufort scale, Beaufort County


A city of southeast South Carolina on an island north of Hilton Head Island. It was founded in 1711 near the site of early settlements by the Hugenots (1562-1564) and the Scottish (1682-1684).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Biography) Henry. ?1374–1447, English cardinal, half-brother of Henry IV; chancellor (1403–04, 1413–17, 1424–26)
2. (Biography) Lady Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby. ?1443–1509, mother of Henry VII. She helped to found two Cambridge colleges and was a patron of Caxton
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Julius Beaufort, on the night of her annual ball, never failed to appear at the Opera; indeed, she always gave her ball on an Opera night in order to emphasise her complete superiority to household cares, and her possession of a staff of servants competent to organise every detail of the entertainment in her absence.
Sillerton Jackson, who had frequented the Tuileries, called it) in New York society; but did one not forfeit it in marrying Julius Beaufort?
The question was: who was Beaufort? He passed for an Englishman, was agreeable, handsome, ill-tempered, hospitable and witty.
If it is written yonder, in Heaven, that the Duc de Beaufort is to escape, he will escape; and all the precautions of the cardinal will not prevent it."
"What were you saying?" he asked with his flattering manner; "that Monsieur de Beaufort had escaped, were you not?"
"My lord," said the guard, "I have simply mentioned the prophecy I heard from a man named Coysel, who believes that, be he ever so closely watched and guarded, the Duke of Beaufort will escape before Whitsuntide."
This man, whose name was Beaufort, was of a proud and unbending disposition and could not bear to live in poverty and oblivion in the same country where he had formerly been distinguished for his rank and magnificence.
But Caroline Beaufort possessed a mind of an uncommon mould, and her courage rose to support her in her adversity.
This last blow overcame her, and she knelt by Beaufort's coffin weeping bitterly, when my father entered the chamber.
de Beaufort. "Yes, La Valliere reminds me of that girl."
"You are a charming friend," replied the Duc de Beaufort, who drank, and passed the goblet to his companion.
de Beaufort.' No, nowadays, we all belong to the king, great or small.