Amundsen Gulf

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Related to Amundsen Gulf: Beaufort Sea, Gulf of St Lawrence

Amundsen Gulf

An inlet of the Arctic Ocean in Northwest Territories, Canada, opening on the Beaufort Sea. It was first navigated completely by Roald Amundsen during his 1903-1906 expedition to the region.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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We did not detect a strong regional difference in benthic community characteristics, observing only a lower richness in the Amundsen Gulf region than in the neighboring Beaufort Sea region.
Berrimilla entered the North West Passage from the Amundsen Gulf and sailed south of Victoria Island, through Dease Strait, Victoria Strait and Peel Sound and out into Barrow Strait and Lancaster Sound.
They believe that control must be exerted over submarine traffic, and have even suggested that listening stations be established in Lancaster Sound and the McClure Strait and in Amundsen Gulf.
Rounding the southern shoulder of Victoria Island, he passed through Coronation Gulf to present-day Amundsen Gulf, which opens to the Beaufort Sea.
The land area south of the proposed route extending east from Prudhoe Bay until just past the mouth of the Amundsen Gulf contains high ice content (ice lenses) soils.
For the three-and-a-half weeks I was on board, we navigated the ice in the Amundsen Gulf, the westernmost reach of the Northwest Passage, some 90 miles south of the Polar Ice Cap.
The icebreaker, currently docked in Amundsen Gulf, is set to arrive at its destination in Showa base later this month, where researchers will conduct extensive observation of sunspots.
The main objective was to investigate movements and diving behaviour of ringed seals in the Prince Albert Sound (PAS) and eastern Amundsen Gulf (EAG) regions in relation to season, sex, and age-class.
In the coming weeks, members of the party will conduct a study in the Amundsen Gulf, about 500 kilometers east of Japan's Showa Base.
After pulling a Boston dragger, the Monte Carlo, free from the ice in Baring Channel, the Labrador headed west to join the Sun's Beauport Sea Expedition -- surveying and collecting hydrographic data through Prince of Wales and Amundsen Gulf. Finally, she passed through the Bering Strait to the Pacific and her rendezvous with the St.
Recent satellite tracking studies have confirmed that belugas of this stock use the offshore Beaufort Sea extensively and also that they travel in August to even more distant summer ranges, including Amundsen Gulf and Viscount Melville Sound (Richard et al., 2001).
The stock may also be realizing some improved fitness, which is due to changes in environmental productivity and appears to be linked, at least in part, to the timing of spring breakup in eastern Amundsen Gulf.