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Austral and NZ an unlicensed restaurant at which diners may drink their own wine, etc
[C20: from the phrase bring your own]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The holidays don't have to be a lonely time of the year, with everyone welcome to pull up a blanket at the annual Christmas Day BYO Picnic.
Exhibit B: The expansion of the building and customization trend to other kinds of toys that you don't think of as being BYO, like action figures.
BYO Wireless said it has expanded its services to include GSM 4G LTE network capabilities and increased data plans for prepay customers.
BYO Wireless, Great Call and ReachOut Wireless are MVNOs of Verizon.
Starting July 18, from 1 to 2 p.m., the BYO lunch BookTalk will meet in the community room to discuss the monthly selection.
BYO: As the trend of employees bringing mobile devices, applications and cloud based storage and access in the workplace grows, businesses of all sizes continue to see information security risks being exploited.
Citrix predicts that the rise of consumerisation and the Bring-Your-Own (BYO) phenomenon will force IT departments to focus on the challenge of apps and data governance.
Rishingiye kandi ku biganiro bisanzwe nagiranye na bagenzi banjye dukorana n'inzobere mu iyigandimi na politiki y'indimi, ndetse no ku byo mbona nk'umunyarwanda w'umwalimu mu gashami k'indimi muri Kaminuza Nkuru y'u Rwanda, usanzwe n'ubundi ahura n'ibibazo by'indimi mu Rwanda mu buzima bwa buri munsi.
Enterprises are at the 'Bring Your Own' (BYO) crossroads--BYO device, BYO network, BYO App, BYO cloud.
Just a shame you can't rock up with your picnic blanket, camping chairs and BYO food and drink.
And another in the list of SoCal projects, BYO records just release Let Them Know, a double LP enclosed within a huge scrapbook chronicling the BYO scene from the early days to the present, and with a photo discography.
Under the BYO by Built line, the company is offering one-bottle (SRP of $8.99) and two-bottle (SRP of $11.99) wine totes.