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(Russian amˌbartsʊmˈjɑn)
(Biography) Viktor A(mazaspovich). 1908–96, Armenian astrophysicist, renowned for his description of radio sources as explosions in the core of galaxies
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References in periodicals archive ?
(10.) Panossian A, Oganessian A, Ambartsumian M, Gabrielian E, Wagner H, Wikman G.
In turn, military expert Van Ambartsumian is sounding the alarm, claiming that Azerbaijan is going to acquire the newest Russian multipurpose fighter Su-30 MKA and has therefore sent part of its pilots to Algeria for training on the Algerian Su-30 MKA purchased earlier from Russia.
[47.] Ambartsumian N, Klingelhofer J, Grigorian M, Christensen C, Kriajevska M, Tulchinsky E, et al.
Ambartsumian, "Human mammary fibroblasts stimulate invasion of breast cancer cells in a three-dimensional culture and increase stroma development in mouse xenografts," BMC Cancer, vol.
Trapezium-type systems were defined in the 1950s by Armenian astronomer Viktor Ambartsumian as multiple stars for which "the ratio of the greatest to least space distances between the components is less than three." The prototype is the multiple star system at the heart of the Orion Nebula.
If obvious tidal features are not easily detectable, it is wise to place constraints on the likelihood of the merger hypothesis as it was done in the pioneering discussions of Ambartsumian in the 1950's and 1960's for analyzing the observational data of eruptive activity of galactic nuclei and energetic nonstationary phenomena in the Universe [2-4].
Ambartsumian; selected papers, stars, nebulae and galaxies; pt.1.
Panossian, A.G., Oganessian, A.S., Ambartsumian, M., Gabrielian, E.S., Wagner, H., Wikman, G., 1999b.
It was written in 2002 at the request of Levon Ambartsumian, Franklin Professor of Violin at the University of Georgia.
World renowned Czech violinist Vaclav Hudecek, accompanied by conductor Eduard Ambartsumian from Russia and the orchestra of the Macedonian Opera and Ballet, held a concert in Skopje on 30 January, within the frames of the cultural activities that the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Skopje is organizing during its presidency of the EU.
There is an economist, a political scientist if I am not mistaken, his name is Ambartsumian. (25) In Soviet times, he worked in the Institute of the International Working-Class Movement, which was mostly concerned with the problems of Western countries.