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Chris Martinez edited this page Nov 7, 2016 · 1 revision

What is the difference between the DefaultApiVersion and ApiVersionSelector options?

There are subtle differences between these two options. Typically, you only need to configure one or the other, but not both.

The DefaultApiVersion has the following uses:

  • The API version defined for a controller that does not have any explicit attribution or conventions
  • The fallback API version used when no other API version can be resolved

It's important to understand that once you opt into API versioning, every controller has an API version, even if you do not apply an explicit definition via attributes or conventions. This behavior can also be thought of as the initial API Version.

The DefaultApiVersion value is 1.0, but that may not be your starting API version. For example, you might use the date-only API versioning scheme. This configuration option prevents the value from being hardcoded and makes it easy to change the API version for your initial set of services.

The ApiVersionSelector option has a familiar, but different purpose. Any implementation of the IApiVersionSelector is used to select the best API version given the current HTTP request and API version model. The provided API version model will already be aggregated across all known service versions.

While this component could be used for a number of different purposes, it is currently only used to select the API version that should be used when a client does not provide an API version. This option is thus only used when the AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified option is also true. The default, configured value for this option is an instance of the DefaultApiVersionSelector, which always returns the value of DefaultApiVersion. Most of the built-in IApiVersionSelector implementations accept the ApiVersioningOptions in their constructors so that they can use the DefaultApiVersion as the final, non-hardcoded fallback value.

It's recommended that the IApiVersionSelector implementation you use provides stable, deterministic results. This is particularly important for existing clients that may not be aware that you have introduced API versioning. Contrary to this guidance, a number of service authors have requested granular control over how the API versions should be selected. For example, a service author might want to allow a client to never specify an API version and use an internal client-to-version mapping that is maintained on the server after the first client connects. How this is implemented in an IApiVersionSelector is up to the service author, but it likely requires information from the current HTTP request and the available API versions for a service.

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