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To conspire against somebody in an online network.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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Early prototypes showed that the game was supposed to put players in the shoes (and suit) of a Terran marine out to gun Zerg aliens into oblivion.
'Do a barrel roll', 'askew', 'zerg rush', 'recursion' and 'anagram' are some of the words that you can search and it's needless to say that you are in for a surprise.
Famous ones include "do a barrel roll", "zerg rush" and "atari breakout", which launch games in the browser when you type them into the search bar.
On one hand, you get to see the individual scales and features of the Protoss and Zerg units, but when you look at the main story characters, they appear to be different from what you'd have imagined earlier.
They are the Terrans, Protoss and Zerg. A single player campaign as well as online multiplayer mode is included in the game.
This game involves three distinct "races" (Protoss, Terran, and Zerg) who build different types of units and buildings and who have particular disadvantages and strengths.
In addition to determining the protoss's destiny, players will also bear witness to the ultimate fates of terran hero Jim Raynor, the former marshal turned rebel leader, and Kerrigan, the zerg Queen of Blades.
The website explains "popular teen chat acronyms" such as CD9, for Code 9, meaning parents are around; zerg, to gang up on someone; 420, marijuana; and GNOC, get naked on camera.
le procureur general, Mohamed Zerg Erras, a requis la perpetuite et la saisie de tous ses biens.
The other Vice-Presidents for 2014 are Ambassador Ib Petersen, the Permanent Representative of Denmark (ZERG), Ambassador Denis Regis, Permanent Representative of Haiti (GRULAK) and Ahmad Naseem Warraieh, Minister Plenipotentiary in PR Pakistan (Asia- Pacific group).