work table

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Related to work table: work bench, IKEA
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: table - a table designed for a particular taskwork table - a table designed for a particular task
drafting table, drawing table - a worktable with adjustable top
table - a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs; "it was a sturdy table"
work bench, workbench, bench - a strong worktable for a carpenter or mechanic
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References in classic literature ?
"No, do just tell me, Vassily Lukitch," he asked suddenly, when he was seated at their work table with the book in his hands, "what is greater than the Alexander Nevsky?
Books lay here and there, in the disorder of use, on work table, couch and desk.
Those gentle hands had made all this--the very furniture, she guessed as her eyes roved from desk to chair, from work table to reading stand beside the bed in the other room, where stood a green-shaded lamp and orderly piles of magazines and books.
Lucy directly drew her work table near her and reseated herself with an alacrity and cheerfulness which seemed to infer that she could taste no greater delight than in making a filigree basket for a spoilt child.
I've discovered that a discarded wheelchair makes the perfect base for a rolling work table. This project is loaded with features: It rolls easily over rough ground, turns in its own length, carries all the tools needed for the job, has brakes for working on an incline, fits through doorways, keeps tools at a comfortable table height, and provides a 2-by-2-foot work surface.
Delmac Machinery Group The OMAL HBD 1550 horizontal bore, glue and dowel machine with 5-ft work table gives users a cycle time of approximately 1 second for each bore, glue and dowel insertion when holes are on 32mm intervals, the company says.
The electric-powered, height adjustable, cantilevered work table offers adjustability from 27 to 43 inches.
We hired a second art teacher this year, but received no additional funds for supplies." Now, through the generosity of the giveaway's participants--Laguna Clay Co., L&L Kiln Mfg., Inc., and North Star Equipment--Waggener High has a kiln, a slab roller package with work table, wagon wheel and canvas, a potter's wheel, a work station, kiln furniture and $400 worth of clay (total value, more than $4,500).
The machine covers a working travel of 18.1"x14.1"x10.2" XYZ with a hand-scraped 23.6"x14.1" work table and a footprint of 79"x110".
The Too Ill To Work table, published in a national newspaper, said Sedgefield ranked 17th with 13.5pc of its population claiming incapacity benefit while Hartlepool came 19th with 13pc.