
Related to vice-chairmanship: vice president


[ˈvaɪsˌtʃɛəmənʃɪp] Nvicepresidencia f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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'Next week, most of the Party-list Committee chairmanships, vice-chairmanship and memberships, as well as membership in various oversight committees, comprising of about 20 percent of the House composition shall be elected in the plenary as committed by the Speaker,' he said.
Your title as the Olugbon confers on you the Vice-chairmanship of the Oyo State Council of Obas and Chiefs.
In district South, PPP controls the chairmanship, and offered the PTI the vice-chairmanship. So who gets to pull rank when there is a water dispute, and whose influence matters more for enforcing service delivery?
The Vice-Chairmanship position is a race between three personalities - Mr.
It was a four-way contest for the vice-chairmanship, Khalid Al Nabhani representing the Nizwa Club won 12 votes to become the undisputed winner.
Switzerland plays an active role in UNRWA's governing bodies, in particular its Advisory Commission, whose vice-chairmanship it currently holds and whose chairmanship it will hold in 2016.
Domingo, who was prevailed upon to stay on as DTI Secretary until December 31 this year, said that he will travel to Geneva end of this month to discuss and formalize the vice-chairmanship position of the Philippines at the WTO.
A source in the ECP said that political parties have proposed to the ECP to fix a minimum of matric qualification for the chairman and vice-chairmanship of the local government.
Gaudreault left vacant the vice-chairmanship of the CHSS that he had been filling at the time.
She pointed out the positions held in the legislative authority, including the second vice president of the Shura Council in addition to the chairman and vice-chairmanship of four committees.
However, the bloc's first priority is to try to secure chairmanship of three parliamentary committees today, along with vice-chairmanship of others - although its members declined to say which ones during a Press conference at the Gulf Hotel yesterday.