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1. Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position.
2. Worthy of reverence, especially by religious or historical association: venerable relics.
3. Venerable Abbr. Ven. or V.
a. Roman Catholic Church Used as a title for a person who has reached the first stage of canonization.
b. Used as a form of address for an archdeacon in the Anglican Church or the Episcopal Church.

ven′er·a·ble·ness, ven′er·a·bil′i·ty n.
ven′er·a·bly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.venerability - the quality of deserving veneration
honorableness, honourableness - the quality of deserving honor or respect; characterized by honor
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Various issues including area-based polling centre infrastructure, population, road communication and power supply were taken into consideration in determining the venerability. Alam said additional security measures will be arranged for the risky centres.
Regarding denial of bail, the judge said it was because of the venerability of some witnesses, coupled with the unresolved question of Mr Nelson Njiru, who is a fugitive in the case.
(78) In other words, despite the "veil of familiar venerability," (79) the biblical narratives are inherently ambiguous to the point where it is less and less justified to speak about its hypothetical original meaning.
Inspired by Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered and, as that title suggests, set against the Christian and Moslem conflict of the First Crusade, Armide, for all its venerability, resonates thematically in today's world, with the combination of Gerard Gauci's sets, Dora Rust D'Eye's sumptuous costumes, Marshall Pynkoski's direction and Jeannette Zingg's choreography achieving a unity of effect impressive even by international standards.
The "picturesque," somewhat easier to find, at least in Britain and the eastern United States, was characterized by variety, venerability, and irregular forms.
IT is amazing how time and age can confer venerability upon institutions and events.
Far and in between, you find neat patches of bright green spinach and flush-red tomatoes, their lush colours and youthfulness a stark departure from the tortured venerability of the olive trees.
As with Jeffrey Skidmore's Ex Cathedra, many of the vocal solos were taken by choir members, but unlike with that group of nearly half a century of venerability, success here was mixed, some of the soloists uncomfortable in various parts of their register.
It was useless to complain because those responsible take the conviction of the venerability of the dead together with them into the beyond and uphold it ten times as much from there" (Diaries 17).
Their precise roles in the operation were not divulged, and both men's offices declined comment.' Israel displayed no civilised restraint in their obsession to be rid of the symbol of their venerability and duplicity.
Such venerability of the nation could not be redeemed unless women recognize and perform their cultural identity accordingly.