vacation spot

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.vacation spot - an area where many people go for recreationvacation spot - an area where many people go for recreation
resort hotel, spa - a fashionable hotel usually in a resort area
area, country - a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country"
holiday resort, resort, resort hotel - a hotel located in a resort area
spa, watering hole, watering place - a health resort near a spring or at the seaside
borscht belt, borscht circuit, borsht belt, borsht circuit - (informal) a resort area in the Catskill Mountains of New York that was patronized primarily by Jewish guests; "many comedians learned their trade playing the borscht circuit"
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References in periodicals archive ?
It is a favorite vacation spot of Kazakhs however, due to the undeveloped infrastructure of the place local tourism hasn't reached its full potential.
Taiwan was also recently ranked as the number one vacation spot among Chinese tourists during the Lunar New Year.
This road would shorten the travel time from Almaty to Issyk-Kul allowing tourists to get to their vacation spot in 3 hours.
He is the hotshot CEO of the Olvidar Group of Companies which owns Tranquila resort, a popular vacation spot situated in El Paraiso resort.
The President threatened to close Boracay after calling the the world-famous vacation spot a 'cesspool' last February.
VACATION SPOT New York-it's the city where architecture, food, and art never stop evolving.
An Egyptian man stabbed the two German tourists to death and wounded four others on Friday at a popular seaside vacation spot on the Red Sea, officials and witnesses said.
Summary: An Egyptian man stabbed two German tourists to death and wounded four others Friday at a popular seaside vacation spot on the Red Sea, after apparently searching out foreigners to attack, officials and witnesses said.
Here are six tips for keeping your favourite summer vacation spot feeling fresh year after year: Try different accommodations: Trying new accommodations can help give you a fresh perspective on a location.
Where I Can See You takes place in a Midwest vacation spot where a detective is tracking a murderer while, at the same time, he's investigating his mother's disappearance many decades ago.
The Sinai Peninsula is a popular vacation spot for Israelis, but has been under constant threats of terror attacks since the 2011 toppling of Hosni Mubarak.
In the last few years, the idyllic image of Greece as a sunny, relaxing vacation spot perfect for summer holiday has been replaced by its association with the word crisis.