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1. (Military) not connected or associated with the military
2. (Military) not conforming to military standards
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.unmilitary - not associated with soldiers or the military; "unmilitary circles of government"; "fatigue duty involves nonmilitary labor"
military - characteristic of or associated with soldiers or the military; "military uniforms"
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References in classic literature ?
The man removed the unmilitary hat, put his hand to his head, passed it through his hair and, withdrawing it, attentively considered the palm.
"I must ask someone who knows," he thought, and addressed an officer who was looking with curiosity at his huge unmilitary figure.
Well, trooping the colors is a very solemn ceremony, and everybody must stand uncovered when the flag goes by, the commandant and all; and once I was there, and ignorantly walked across right in front of the band, which was an awful disgrace: Ah, the Lieutenant-General was so ashamed, and so distressed that I should have done such a thing before all the world, that she couldn't keep the tears back; and then she taught me the salute, so that if I ever did any other unmilitary act through ignorance I could do my salute and she believed everybody would think it was apology enough and would not press the matter.
Michael was conscious of the scruffiness of his chief, his roundshouldered unmilitary bearing.
However, Durrani is quite perceptive about the damage Musharraf has done to the Army: 'Since he [Musharraf] mainly trusted the military, he planted members of the armed forces in many important civil institutions, and thus undid most of the good work done in the previous years to cleanse the armed forces of the unmilitary traits ...
31-39, is hardly to be found even in this most unmilitary of all authors.") Later he remarks that Tacitus' "pen was frequently driven by hatred." Livy gets scant mention.
The shoulder ornaments and commissioned ratings were fantastic and wholly unmilitary! More than a year was to elapse before Army hostility had abated sufficiently to permit adoption of a khaki uniform and standardized commissioned ratings for the officers.
She has two admirers; her fiance, the Bulgarian "hero" Alexius, and Bummerli, a distinctly unmilitary Swiss in Serbian service.
Equally reflective of CAF ambivalence for the injured, JPSU staff is predominantly not trained in social work or rehabilitation let alone the unmilitary skills of compassion and care.
Finally, he tells Michael he "bolted" into the army, and he describes himself as an "inefficient and unmilitary" soldier (Letters 54).
Meanwhile the corporal condemned his comradesin-arms for what he called their "unmilitary conduct".