unit price

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unit price

(Commerce) a price for foodstuffs, etc, stated or shown as the cost per unit, as per pound, per kilogram, per dozen, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

unit price

The cost or price of an item of supply based on the unit of issue.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.

unit price

n (Industry) → prezzo unitario
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
Member states are required to mark consumer products with the selling price and the unit price under the terms of a Directive adopted in 1998 (98/6/EC).
In terms of per-customer unit price, although the decrease in sales of fast-food shops drove down the average value, other types of shops and restaurants reported an increase.
While Van Houtven (1999) found that mixed waste collected at the kerbside fell by 50% following the introduction of a bag programme, most other studies report much smaller reductions (Nestor and Podolsky, 1998; Hong, 1999), with Hong even reporting that increases in the unit price had no significant impact on waste.
'It is common practice for UK businesses to show a unit price for the goods they are providing as well as a total sales amount, so this is unlikely to cause them many problems,' said Mr Simmonds.
* 181.6GB Ultra SCSI3 hard drive: $1,671 (unit price), $9.20 (ASP$/GB)
Early diffusion of unit pricing was hastened by the promotion of unit price programs among several large grocery chains.
Last year, Welsh Governmentcommissioned research found that if a 50p minimum unit price was introduced it would be estimated to avoid 66 deaths and 1,281 hospital admissions per year.
The level of the minimum unit price would be specified in regulations made by the Welsh ministers.
Also, in the agricultural trading floor the trade of 630 MT of maize with the unit price of 11,000 IRR has been done by IME traders.
In an open letter, 12 Directors of Public Health in the North East said that the "Government's delay in introducing a minimum unit price represents a blow to public health".
In an open letter to The Journal, 12 directors of public health in the region said the "Government's delay in introducing a minimum unit price represents a blow to public health".