

1. Not famous or well known; obscure.
2. Not formally or officially honored.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. not celebrated or marked by festivities; unremarked
2. not celebrated or famous; unrenowned
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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New Year's day dawned when, as yet, but one wall of their cabin was completed; the genial and jovial day, however, was not permitted to pass uncelebrated, even by this weatherbeaten crew of wanderers.
Thus was the first Day Eev'n and Morn: Nor past uncelebrated, nor unsung By the Celestial Quires, when Orient Light Exhaling first from Darkness they beheld; Birth-day of Heav'n and Earth; with joy and shout The hollow Universal Orb they fill'd, And touch't thir Golden Harps, & hymning prais'd God and his works, Creatour him they sung, Both when first Eevning was, and when first Morn.
In the heart of Egypt's fascinating Eastern Desert, which attracts tourists to travel a long way in order to stay few days and enjoy its mesmerizing peace, serenity, and quietness, lies an uncelebrated beauty, that just saw the light on Thursday when Time Magazine listed the Red Sea Mountain Trail among the magazine's World's Greatest Places for 2019.
'The earlier statement of 14th August 2019 by the government addressed the issues that would have raised some questions with the latest occurrences and particularly the uncelebrated return of El-zakzaky from India.
It is also the latest chapter in the largely uncelebrated story of the city's development and ongoing eminence in the field of magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI.
In a match packed with thrills and spills, the no-frills contribution of Whelan should not go uncelebrated.
And, even when they do, they are stymied at every level by an irreverent system.Every time referee Victor Oduor runs out of the tunnel in a global tournament, there are tens of equally talented referees putting in the shift, most often with no pay and uncelebrated, in far flung areas where the population hardly understands what rugby is.
The five women were considered not to be "the best" Welsh women, but women who represented the broad spread of achievements and contributions that women have made to Wales over the years - largely uncelebrated.
That victory --India's biggest public health achievement --has remained uncelebrated. But a new book by one of the major HIV campaigners of that time finally honours the people he says were crucial in guiding India away from its seemingly inescapable destiny: the country's sex workers.
People with such an attitude however great they might be prefer to live and die uncelebrated. They are happy with what they do and are least bothered about the recognition of their work.
Compiled, written, and illustrated by Joel Christian Gill, "Strange Fruit, Volume II: More Uncelebrated Narratives from Black History" is a collection of stories from early African American history that represent the oddity of success in the face of great adversity.