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1. (Biology) not having branches; not branching
2. (Botany) botany archaic not having its branches removed; retaining its branches
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.unbranched - without branchesunbranched - without branches; "a tree with an unbranched trunk"
branchless - having no branches
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
An elegant plant with pinnate, hairy leaves on an unbranched stem terminating in racemes of bright yellow, star-shaped flowers that produce the burrs that attach to passing animals.
You will now the able to see last year's new growth completely unbranched and with strong buds at their tips.
stolonifer revealed its hyphae to be very complex, branched, multi-nucleated and lack segmentation, presence of well-developed rhizoids, unbranched sporangium supported by stalk and zygospore's formation further helped in identification of the fungus.
(2010) from Balkan peninsula and they found glandular (peltate, unicellular capitate, multicellular capitate), and non-glandular (unicellular unbranched, multicellular unbranched) trichomes on the leaves of this species.
The flavor of Chinese Baijiu aged with American oak is dominated by a series of unbranched ethyl ester compounds.
Sodium alginate (NaAlg) is a linear unbranched natural polysaccharide which contains different amount of (1[right arrow]4')- covalently linked [beta]-D-mannuronate and [alpha]-L-guluronate residues (MOGOSANU & GRUMEZESCU, 2014; LIAKOS et al., 2014).
Start with young, unbranched saplings, called whips.
Antler restrictions apply in some counties, dictating only one buck with an inside spread greater than 13 inches may be taken, and other buck(s) must have at least one unbranched antler.
wrightii specimens from Bahia de Jiquilisco align with diagnostic features previously reported for the species (e.g., Phillips & Menez, 1988; Creed et al., 2016): slender, creeping rhizomes 0.5-1.1 mm in diameter and stolons with internodes 5.0-15.5 mm long; each node produces 2- 5 unbranched roots 1-5 cm long and 2-3 leaf-blades 3- 20 cm long and 0.3-0.9 mm wide; leaf-blades arise from a translucent leaf sheath with blade apex bidentate measuring 0.01-0.03 mm between lateral teeth.