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not amended, altered, or added to
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.unamended - (of legislation) not amended
legislation, statute law - law enacted by a legislative body
amended - of legislation
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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His remarks irked the PTI lawmakers who started protesting and in the meantime, the Chairman put unamended resolution which was adopted unanimously by the house.
Through convoluted and illegal processes and amendments, Amit Shah then moved to introduce the J and K Reorganisation Bill a power that the parliament would not have been allowed under the unamended Article 370 in parliament among heavy protest and disruption.'
The bulk density of unamended residue mud is high, with average values of 2.5 g [cm.sup.-3] being reported (Grafe and Klauber 2011) although lower values (1.56-1.91 g [cm.sup.-3]) have been found for non-vegetated residues (Courtney et al.
Mrs Gill told the House of Commons: "Unamended, the Bill would have meant that Sikhs who possessed a 50cm kirpan in the home would be committing a criminal act and subject to a year's imprisonment, so I am grateful for the Minister's intervention to amend the justification for a Sikh possessing a kirpan from the narrow 'religious ceremonies' to 'religious reasons'.
Industry and agriculture woke up to the March 29th crisis, had the Withdrawal Bill - allowing a No-Deal Brexit - gone ahead unamended.
Thirty-two years after its ratification, the Edsa Constitution has remained in place, unamended and unrevised.
The original Constitution (unamended) in its Preamble mentions Equality of Opportunity and Justice for all whether political, social or economic to be ensured by the State.
'Nothing good comes out of defying the law because the law, while existing and unamended, must be respected and followed,' the statement read.
He further remarked that the court will take notice of the watchdog rules if it remains unamended. He asserted that to return black money voluntarily means to accept the committed crime.
Jeremy Corbyn has so far resisted massive pressure to incorporate the IHRA list of examples of anti-Semitic behaviour unamended in the code, approved by Labour's ruling National Executive Committee last month.
There are certainly some concerns that I have with the Bill, including fears some of the proposed powers could sweep up too many innocent people if it is left unamended.