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 (o͞o′län′, yo͞o′lən)
One of a body of horse cavalry that formed part of the Polish, German, Austrian, and Russian armies.

[German, from Polish ulan, from Turkish oğlan, youth, from oğul, son, from Old Turkic.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈuːlɑːn; ˈjuːlən) or


1. (Historical Terms) history a member of a body of lancers first employed in the Polish army and later in W European armies
2. (Military) history a member of a body of lancers first employed in the Polish army and later in W European armies
[C18: via German from Polish ulan, from Turkish ōlan young man]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or u•lan

(ˈu lɑn, ˈyu lən)

1. (formerly, in the Polish army) a lancer in a light-cavalry unit.
2. one of such a group as later developed into heavy cavalry in W European armies, esp. in Germany.
[1745–55; < German < Polish ulan « Turkish oğlan boy, lad]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Monday next will meet you Southampton aboard Uhlan with tickets am writing."
I do not ask to set foot aboard a finer steamship than the Uhlan of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, to meet a kindlier gentleman than her commander, or better fellows than his officers.
Few travellers tempt the Red Sea at midsummer; the Uhlan was very empty indeed.
Of all the mere feats of cracksmanship which I have seen Raffles perform, at once the most delicate and most difficult was that which he accomplished between one and two o'clock on the Tuesday morning, aboard the North German steamer Uhlan, lying at anchor in Genoa harbor.
They were our Uhlans who with disordered ranks were returning from the attack.
The 8-11 favourite Uhlan Bute got them off to a fine start in the opening Race Passes At timeform.com Novices' Hurdle, thwarting the well-backed Raven's Tower by a neck after good placed efforts at Sandown and Leicester earlier this winter.
In his later years Slowacki gave poetic expression to the identity of a knight in the following sentence: "The spirit of life is a proud knight,/And its sight is directed upwards."[7] As a counterpoint to this ideal, Slowacki depicted the figure of a colourful uhlan who charges on with his pointed lance and a banner flapping in the wind-a caricature and negation of chivalry.
Belgium became a frail and ravished jeune fille, weeping and broken on the floor as the uhlan, the helmeted German cavalryman, leaves the bedroom.
However, Bailey, Tavlas, and Uhlan |3~, Hooper and Kohlhagen |10~ and an International Monetary Fund Study |11~ do not find any supporting evidence for the depressing effect of exchange rate volatility on international trade.
PLUMPTON: 1.00 Uhlan Bute, 1.30 Further More, 2.00 Glenwood Prince, 2.30 Toubeera, 3.00 Saroque, 3.30 Night Of Passion, 4.00 Little Roxy.
To the 19th century European military mind, the cuirassier, dragoon, hussar, lancer and uhlan were seen as the modern incarnation of the medieval knight who, it was believed, carried on the chivalric traditions of their forbears.