trunk route

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Noun1.trunk route - line that is the main route on a railwaytrunk route - line that is the main route on a railway
rail line, railway line, line - the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed
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References in periodicals archive ?
It is said that these have been constructed using Bow String Girder technology to avoid traffic blockage on the busy Delhi-Kolkata Railway Trunk Route as soon as possible.
"This is a trunk route and I, for one, want to see proof of the claim there is an increase of HGV traffic.
It should also help ease congestion on the A66 trunk route.
Hormuz Grand Hotel's Qureshi Bab-Al-Hind restaurant is currently running a promotion showcasing the food along the arterial Grand Trunk route linking the eastern and western regions of the Indian subcontinent that has been legendary for facilitating trade and commerce.
As for the High Street it was, until relatively recently, part of the trunk route A1 stretching from London to Edinburgh.
The scheme being investigated is a trunk route linking the proposed M6-M54 junction north of Wolverhampton with the M6-M42 junction near Coleshill.
Dyfed Powys Police were forced to redirect traffic on the A44, the main trunk route from the Midlands to Mid Wales, as protestors blocked the road outside Aberystwyth University.
Edge Lane Drive is the main trunk route into the city but it is subject to a 30mph speed limit.
The resolution criticizes the launch of "an object propelled by a certain contracting state," saying the object landed near a "trunk route connecting Asia and North America where some 180 flights of various countries fly every day." The resolution, adopted at the ICAO's 32nd assembly at the organization's headquarters in Montreal, says the launch was "not compatible" with ICAO principles and standards.
Drivers on the trunk route have been hit with delays since the temporary measure was introduced after an accident last January.
It's hoped the new road access, complete with replacement lifting bridge, will ease congestion on the A66 trunk route and further open up 25 hectares of development land on the Middlehaven site.