the Street

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Noun1.The street - used to allude to the securities industry of the United Statesthe Street - used to allude to the securities industry of the United States
securities industry, market - the securities markets in the aggregate; "the market always frustrates the small investor"
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References in classic literature ?
At last, satisfactorily disguised, and with even his shock of black hair adding to the verisimilitude of his likeness to the natives of the city, he sought for some means of reaching the street below.
But in this reckoning they were cruelly mistaken, for in half an hour, or less, as though the setting in of night had been their preconcerted signal, the rioters having previously, in small parties, prevented the lighting of the street lamps, rose like a great sea; and that in so many places at once, and with such inconceivable fury, that those who had the direction of the troops knew not, at first, where to turn or what to do.
A little while after that a squad of police came into the station and began to clear the public off the platforms, and my brother went out into the street again.
They marched across the street, forcing their way roughly through the crowd, and pricking the townspeople with their bayonets.
Polly always supplied him with something to eat when he could not get home, and sometimes he would see little Dolly peeping from the corner of the street, to make sure if "father" was on the stand.
Soldiers were continually rushing backwards and forwards near it, and he saw two of them and a man in a frieze coat dragging burning beams into another yard across the street, while others carried bundles of hay.
The most complete cases of aggravated idiocy were, to his mind, rampant upon the front platforms of all the street cars.
No cabs were in sight, the street cars had gone to bed, there was a full moon and the cool night air was delightful; we walked up the California street hill.
The street was small and what is called quiet, but it drove a thriving trade on the weekdays.
The street cars and railways had ceased; the telephone service was out of gear and only worked intermittently.
It was not a column, but a mob, an awful river that filled the street, the people of the abyss, mad with drink and wrong, up at last and roaring for the blood of their masters.
Olsen across the street. "You go into the house, little mother that is to be.