terminal illness

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Related to terminal illness: terminal cancer

ter·mi·nal ill·ness

n. enfermedad maligna que causa la muerte.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
A MAN has raised more than PS3,000 to help support families who have a child with a terminal illness.
Graham Simpson met with representatives from Marie Curie to hear about the care available for people living with a terminal illness - and their families.
As well as the nursing service, a reflective Mr Simpson also heard about the Marie Curie information and support service which provides "free clinical information, practical, emotional and bereavement support for anyone affected by terminal illness".
Special rules for terminal illness, which have been in place since 1990, allow for people nearing the end of their lives to have their benefit claim fast-tracked and paid at enhanced rates.
The Government's definition of terminal illness as when a person's death can be reasonably expected within six months was dubbed "outdated, arbitrary and not based on clinical reality" by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Terminal Illness (APPG) in their report last week.
It's nothing short of cruel to deny people the right to an assisted death in the face of terminal illness or incurable suffering.
A spokesperson for care organisation Marie Curie said: "People with a terminal illness may live for days, weeks, months or sometimes years.
However, the timescale was then extended to other benefits over time, as well as rules for accessing a terminal illness lump sum in pensions law.
The Government's definition of terminal illness - as when a person's death can be reasonably expected within six months - is "outdated, arbitrary and not based on clinical reality", the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Terminal Illness (APPG) said.
A SENIOR West Midlands Police officer who took just two days off sick in 28 years has spoken of his shock at being diagnosed with a terminal illness.

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