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Related to terfenadine: Astemizole


n terfenadina
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ERG channel currents were then isolated as tail current with the help of specific ion channel antagonist chemical agents (terfenadine and E-4031) using the Voltage Clamping technique.
Henceforth, this preclinical study was undertaken to compare the sedative property of fexofenadine, a newer the second-generation antihistaminic with terfenadine, astemizole, and cetirizine in albino rats using potentiation of phenobarbitone sleep time model.
Louis, MO, USA) provided antipyrine, nadolol, warfarin, and terfenadine. Fagron (Waregem, Belgium) supplied caffeine and ibuprofen.
Several medicines were withdrawn from the market due to their interaction with other substances (mainly related to the CYPs) for example: Seldane[R] (Terfenadine, Aventis Pharmaceuticals, USA), Posicor[R] (Mibefradil, Roche, Switzerland), Propulsid[R] (Cisapride, Janssen-Ortho, Canada), Lotronex[R] (Alosetron, Prometheus Laboratories Inc., USA), Baycol[R] (Cerivastatin, Bayer A.G., Germany) and Serzone[R] (Nefazodone, Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA) (25).
Terfenadine, for example, is a potent hERG cardiac channel ligand, but it is metabolized by the liver enzyme CYP 3A4.
Some of these medications included: quinidine, amiodarone, sotalol, ketoconazole, itraconazole, miconazole, erythromycin, clarithromycin, and terfenadine, which are known to affect the QT interval or the sympathetic nervous system (n=234).
Potential interactions include antiarrhythmic drugs, antipsychotics, and antihistamines (7) (although the most problematic among these, terfenadine, is no longer marketed).
Several studies found an inhibitory effect of [alpha]-naphthoflavone, ketoconazole, troglitazone, tranylcypromine, ebastine, and terfenadine on the rate of astemizole O-demethylation in human small intestinal microsomes and recombinant CYP2J2 isoform (Matsumoto et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2006).
Seldane[R] (terfenadine), less than two weeks after authorizing generic