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Related to tenure-track: Academic tenure


(tĕn′yər-trăk′, -yo͝or′-)
Of or relating to a teaching or research position at a college or university that can lead to a tenured position.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


of or relating to a college- or university-teaching job that can lead to a tenured position.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Edward's, the investigators report concerned the dismissals of two tenured faculty members and the nonrenewal of a tenure-track faculty member.
Earlier in her career, Dr Gu served as a tenure-track assistant professor at Cincinnati Children's Hospital.
34% Institutions surveyed in 2017 that plan to increase full-time, tenure-track faculty
Thanks to a series of synchronicities that I will never fully grasp, I served for five years as Girard's junior colleague, having earned my first tenure-track post as assistant professor of French at Stanford University (1988-93), where the brilliant Catholic thinker occupied a Distinguished Chair in the department of French and Italian, and influenced, among many other students, Peter Thiel.
Some professors, especially those not in tenure-track positions, make little money teaching and still must contend with -- if they have them -- their student loans.
Research suggests that many professors believe their professional certification and experience are important, yet many accounting programs do not require these traits when hiring tenure-track faculty.
In recent years, there has been a continuous decline in tenure-track positions, with some institutions creating career paths for non-tenure instructional faculty (Zhang, Ehrenberg, and Liu, 2015).
Also appointed to the Senate is Wanda Thomas Bernard, the first African Canadian to hold a tenure-track position at Dalhousie University and to be promoted to full professor.
The HEC letter reads: If a faculty member assumes an administrative post in the university, such as Registrar, Director HR or Treasurer etc, then the period of which he/she remains on that post shall not be counted toward his/her TTS service on tenure or tenure-track and during that period he/she will not be eligible to draw TTS salary.
The faculty union, United Academics, supports the goal of increasing the proportion of tenure-track faculty/ student ratio but wonders how, in the near term, the UO will handle the sometimes large classes the terminated non-tenured faculty have been teaching, according to statements on the union's website.