telegraph pole

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Related to telegraph pole: Electrical pole, utility poles
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.telegraph pole - tall pole supporting telephone wirestelegraph pole - tall pole supporting telephone wires
post - an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position; "he set a row of posts in the ground and strung barbwire between them"
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عَمود تلغراف
telegrafní sloup
telegrafný stĺp
telgraf direği

telegraph pole

telegraph post n (Brit) → palo del telegrafo
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈteligraːf) noun
1. a system of sending messages using either wires and electricity or radio. Send it by telegraph.
2. an instrument for this. Send the message on the telegraph.
1. to send by telegraph. He telegraphed the time of his arrival.
2. to inform by telegraph. He telegraphed us to say when he would arrive.
teˈlegrapher (-ˈle-) , teˈlegraphist (-ˈle-) nouns
a person who operates a telegraph.
teˈlegraphy (-ˈle-) noun
the process, science or skill of sending messages by telegraph.
ˌteleˈgraphic (-ˈgrӕ-) adjective
telegraph pole
a high, wooden pole which supports telegraph wires.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
The store- keepers plastered up their windows with all sorts of lies to entice you; the very fences by the wayside, the lampposts and telegraph poles, were pasted over with lies.
A drug-driver who wrecked a car and damaged a garden wall and a telegraph pole has been banned from driving.
A DRIVER who was caught with 20 bags of cannabis after he crashed into a telegraph pole has been jailed.
A man found himself in Stirling Sheriff Court after his car mounted a grass verge and hit a telegraph pole when he bent down to retrieve a lighted cigarette while driving.
A DRIVER had a lucky escape after smashing into a telegraph pole.
A MAN was lucky to escape without injury when his car smashed a telegraph pole in half while he was more than twice the drink-drive limit.
A car crashed into a telegraph pole and wall in Dudley.
The pole was placed next to steps by a path leading to Mr Haughton's front door and the 70-year-old said: "Openreach have been around and have put a telegraph pole at the front of my house - they put it right by the steps to my path around three weeks ago!
A van flipped onto its side after careering into a telegraph pole and smashing it to the ground on a Nuneaton street.
I was contacted by a reader called Jacob, who was furious after BT stuck a 12 metre telegraph pole next to his property.
A resident who lives nearby said: "It took out the 'Welcome to Sileby' sign and a telegraph pole by my house.