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pl n
1. (Theatre) another word for surtitle
2. (Classical Music) another word for surtitle
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References in periodicals archive ?
The show is performed with English supertitles. For tickets, call CCP Box Office or go to
"The opera is sung in Italian with English supertitles, and includes an internationally acclaimed cast," he said.
And you don't have to understand Yiddish to enjoy the performance, which is accompanied by supertitles in English and Russian.
Other parts are performed in English and Spanish with supertitles.
But the performance of the play written by Rody Vera and directed by Jonathan Tadioan, though in Filipino with English supertitles, was not in the Philippines, but at the Theatre Centre Vishnevy Sad (Cherry Orchard) in Moscow, Russia.
The new 'supertitles' is a feature most appreciated by the 7,000 audience over the three-day performance, with the English and Greek subtitles projected proving extremely popular.
All performances, which are directed by Andreas Christodoulides and produced by Theatro Ena, will be accompanied by English supertitles.
She has also reshaped the repertoire, adding English supertitles (for foreign-language plays) and bringing on board a Berlin-based Israeli director, Yael Ronen, to helm--indeed, to forge--The Situation, a play about the conflicts among the mixed racial and ethnic groups in Ronen's own Berlin neighborhood.
The opera has been translated into English, but the Eugene Opera will perform it in Russian, with English supertitles.
I don't have a problem with supertitles, or little screens with words.
Medee will be performed in French with English supertitles projected at the Lab Theater in Minneapolis.