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(Biology) another name for domain12
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Some folds, however, occur only within a single superkingdom and the viruses that infect it, suggesting a transfer of genetic material only between that group of viruses and their hosts.
Taxonomically, Caryospora species, belong to Eukaryota domain, Corticata superkingdom, Chromista kingdom, Harosa subkingdom, Halvaria infrakingdom, Alveolata superphylum, the Miozoa phylum, Myzozoa subphylum, Avicomplexa infraphylum, the Sporozoa superclass, Coccidiomorphea class, Coccidia subclass, the Eimeriida order, and the Eimeriidae family and consists of cyst-forming protozoan parasites found in the intestine of various species of reptiles and birds.
We discuss our findings, which provide strong support to the very early rise of primordial archaeal lineages and the emergence of Archaea as the first domain of diversified cellular life (superkingdom).
A different problem concerns "domain." 'empire" and (the general "rank") "superkingdom;" namely, these categories are not sanctioned by formal codes of biological nomenclature a situation that could be addressed by those responsible for revising these codes.
Any scientist would be thrilled at discovering a new species, but Woese had unexpectedly dredged up an entire superkingdom. For the next several months, Woese put in even more hours at the lab to confirm his results.
It was determined that these genes originated in eukaryotic organisms, a superkingdom of organisms including animalia, characterized by membrane-enclosed nuclei containing chromosomes of DNA, RNA and proteins.
Of 1276 high-confidence core peptides in the sample KP-H, the LCA of 1072 core peptides was classified as bacteria (superkingdom).
These data matrices were then scanned to generate Venn diagrams and boxplots displaying patterns of trait sharing both between and within proteomes and functionomes of superkingdom groups.
Molecular activities that are vital to cellular life were expected to have higher f values, while [GO.sub.TMF] terms unique to a species or superkingdom were anticipated to have lower f values.