

extremely important
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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I'm a big fan of no waste and a clever utilization of the cheap cuts, off-cuts and unwanted vegetables is superimportant. That's what makes or breaks businesses.
Honey bees in particular are superimportant pollinators for flowers, fruits and vegetables because bees transfer pollen between the male and female parts, allowing plants to grow seeds and fruit.
The card, written in a childlike scrawl, said: "I am missing a superimportant learning opportunity because I need a tinkle."
"For example, a number of the programs that have been rolled out have been the upside risk only, which is superimportant because that is the way you are going to get people to feel more comfortable.
If you get invited you're like superimportant. And I puked on the porch.
Yeah, it was superimportant for us for us to be involved in the whole process with this album, from playing the instruments to writing the songs.
"I've always written and read and that's been a part of me that's superimportant. And it's a really good outlet for me to be able to say whatever I'm thinking and whatever it is that I'm trying to process.
"I wanted to educate people about bats so they could understand that not only are bats not scary, they're superimportant to the environment."
"It's superimportant and it's a major reason why I live in Eugene," she said.
It's somehow both ephemeral and superimportant. It can go back and forth, like a conveyor belt, I'd say, between the two things.
"That lineage of pain is superimportant,'' says Quinto.
I think it's superimportant that couples should have some things in common."