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informal an exceptionally intelligent person, a very brainy person
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References in periodicals archive ?
30 points: You're a Boro superbrain 25-29: Superb effort 20-24: Decent try but some background Boro reading required 10-19: Mid-table at best, extra work needed on the training ground Under 10: Oh dear, better luck next time
A comparative study of the effects of superbrain yoga and aerobic exercise on cognitive functions.
'plain jane superbrain' Annie Jones, 51, who recently returned to the role she left in 1989, first auditioned to play Charlene
NEIGHBOURS Channel 5 THERE'S a blast from the past as Jane Harris, aka Plain Jane Superbrain, is back.
There's a blast from the past for long-time viewers - Jane Harris, aka Plain Jane Superbrain, is back in Erinsborough.
ANNIE JONES JANE HARRIS Auditioned for Charlene but lost out to Kylie and landed the role of Jane, at first known as Plain Jane Superbrain, girlfriend to Mike Young (Guy Pearce).
SuperBrain Yoga, also $10, teaches a technique to energize and recharge the brain.
Turku, Finland, June 30, 2015 --( The Founder and CEO of Super Analytics and SuperBrain Dashboard, Kalle Heinonen, had been working in the analytics industry.
The social structure of telematic society follows the model of the ant colony that forms a superbrain "composed of single ant brains assembled like a mosaic" (2011b, p.
Or will it be the more advanced variety as promised by both him and Fred Nietzsche, a superbrain that, once made, will sit back in its laboratory tank, take a good look at the world and burst out laughing at what man has wrought.
Young, sexy superbrain Galois (Alejo Sauras), who has recently solved Goldbach's Theorem, is invited by the mysterious Fermat (Federico Luppi) to attend a gathering of math experts to elucidate an enigma.