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He said that invitation to the AJK president side by side with other heads of state to the recent OIC summit conference in Makkah Mukarrama was an important development, and it has provided an opportunity to directly plead the cause of Kashmiri people.
He termed the invitation extended to the AJK president along with other heads of state to the recent Organization of Islamic Co-operation (OIC) summit conference in Makkah Mukarramah an important development which had provided an opportunity to directly plead the cause of the Kashmiri people in the OIC summit conference, the Kashmir Contact Group and the OIC Foreign Ministers Council.
He said that invitation to the AJ and K president side by side with other heads of state to the recent OIC summit conference in Makkah Mukarrama was an important development, and it has provided an opportunity to directly plead the cause of Kashmiri people.
Masood Khan said that the Kashmir issue has been highlighted in the recently concluded OIC summit conference, Kashmir contact group and the OIC Foreign Ministers Council.
Forums such as the Islamic Summit Conference and Arab League meetings provide vital opportunities to answer such questions, he suggested.
Amman, June 1 (Petra) His Majesty King Abdullah returned to Jordan on Saturday after heading Jordan's delegation at the emergency Arab Summit and the 14th Session of the Ordinary Islamic Summit Conference of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in Mecca.
A statement issued by Garba Shehu, Senior Special Assistant to the President (Media and Publicity), observed that the 14th session of the Summit Conference of the OIC is hosted by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud will commence at midnight.
He was leading Pakistan's delegation in the meeting of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) in Jeddah, a precursor to the 14th Islamic Summit Conference due to be held in Makkah.
Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, second left, on the eve of the Islamic Summit Conference in Makkah.
Jeddah, May 30 (BNA): The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, met the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, and Member of the Council of Ministers of Saudi Arabia, Adel bin Ahmed Al Jubeir, on the sidelines of their participation in the preparatory meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers for the 14th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
BAGHDAD (NINA) - Foreign Minister Mohammed Ali al-Hakim arrived in Jeddah to attend the preparatory foreign ministers' meeting of the 14th session of the Islamic Summit Conference. "The preparatory meeting is aimed to prepare the fourteenth session of the Islamic summit, which will be hosted in Mecca on May 31, as well as the extraordinary Arab summit at the end of the same month," a foreign ministry statement said.