suicide mission

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Noun1.suicide mission - killing or injuring others while annihilating yourselfsuicide mission - killing or injuring others while annihilating yourself; usually accomplished with a bomb
mission, charge, commission - a special assignment that is given to a person or group; "a confidential mission to London"; "his charge was deliver a message"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Body of a Zimbabwean national who was a herdboy at Kweneng settlement in Kweneng District was on April 15 retrieved from a burnt structure following a suspected suicide mission.
'It's like a suicide mission seeing a train approaching and you are still sitting down on the track,' he said.
Gary Alejano doubted President Rodrigo Duterte's pronouncement he would order soldiers to go on a suicide mission" if China refuses to "lay-off" Pag-asa Island in the West Philippine Sea.
Summary: Manila [Philippines], April 5 (ANI): Amid reports of the presence of Chinese vessels near a Philippines-administered island in the South China Sea, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to send his troops on a "suicide mission" if China does not "lay off".
She said Indian's cold start doctrine's brinkmanship strategy was non-viable with Modi as Modi was on a suicide mission for India.
But there was only one manager being derided after that 6-0 suicide mission on Sunday.
In a CNBC interview, he thinks that the federal deficit is growing at a pace that is not sustainable at the same time that the Fed "has been on a suicide mission" hiking rates that will compound the deficit when the debt is rolled over.
The militants did not wear any suicide jackets' though it appeared they were on a suicide mission' as they intended to kill and die, said Raja Umar Khattab, a senior Office of Counter Terrorism Department (CTD), who is investigating the case.
Some learned of the attacks which were happening all over the country and realized the plane was on a suicide mission.
Fury Sunday, 5Spike, 9.20pm Brad Pitt is WWII tank commander Wardaddy, whose platoon is sent on a suicide mission into German territory with a cowardly rookie gunner.
Another piece of footage allegedly showed a man leaving to take part in a suicide mission in a vehicle packed with explosives.