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Adj.1.sterilised - made infertile
infertile, sterile, unfertile - incapable of reproducing; "an infertile couple"
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Tip into a widenecked jug with a good pouring lip, then fill the warm sterilised jars to the brim.
Summary: Haldwani (Uttarakhand) [India], June 29 (ANI): Over 1,000 monkeys were sterilised at Ranibagh Wildlife Transit Rescue Centre of Nainital Forest Department, to curb monkey menace in the region.
SURGICAL instruments from Glasgow hospitals are being sent 200 miles away to be sterilised - at a cost of at least PS140,000, an NHS whistleblower claims.
It found examples where ultrasonic hand pieces were not sterilised between patients and were instead wiped clean; there was insufficient space to safely segregate dirty and clean instruments and decontamination undertaken in close proximity to the treatment area; the same bowl was being used for scrubbing and rinsing instruments when there should be two different bowls; staff were not adhering to the dirty and clean zones; sterilised instruments were not stored in sealed and dated packaging; instruments were stored beyond the date of expiry and requiring re-sterilising/processing; and staff not using personal protective equipment as a means of protecting themselves and others from cross infection.
Stray dogs are not being sterilised by authorities due to lack of funds.
Since June, over 45 cats have been sterilised in Emirates Living.
You will need two sterilised 400g jars 600g small onions or shallots 35g salt 500ml water 2 teaspoons coriander seeds 2 teaspoons mixed peppercorns 2 chillies split lengthways 2 bay leaves 650ml white wine vinegar 1 Peel the onions or shallots, whichever you're using.
With a 350-litre capacity chamber the RCS 350 laboratory autoclave is the perfect choice where tall, small and bulky items need to be sterilised since the rectangular chamber will accommodate many differing media types and sizes side-by-side in a single process.
Sterilised women interviewed by Namibian Women's Health Network (NWHN) over the course of the past three years did indeed sign a consent form, but they did so under pressure from doctors, and in many situations, they had little choice but to agree to the procedure.
FIG CHUTNEY (Makes about 2kg) | Special equipment: Non-corrosive preserving pan; sterilised jars with vinegar-proof sealants | Shelf life: 1 year | 1.25 litres red wine vinegar | 500g light soft brown sugar | 2 tbsp salt | 1kg firm, slightly under-ripe black figs, sliced into rounds 1cm thick | 500g onions, sliced into thin rings | 250g pitted dates, coarsely chopped | 150g fresh ginger root, finely shredded | 2 tbsp sweet paprika | 1 tbsp white mustard seeds | 3 tbsp chopped fresh tarragon or 1 tbsp dried tarragon Put the vinegar, sugar, and salt in the preserving pan, stirring until the sugar and salt have dissolved.