
statism, stateism

1. the principle of concentrating major political and economic controls in the state.
2. the support of the sovereignty of the state. — statist, n., adj.
See also: Government
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We will enter into a period when GE-len volunteers will finally cleanse themselves of ideologies that fall contrary to true Islamic values -- like nationalism and stateism. From this angle, the mistakes made by the AKP are actually quite valuable in terms of the lessons they offer.
In 1935, he founded Spiritual Mobilization, advertised as a means to encourage "ministers of all denominations in America to check the trends toward pagan stateism, which would destroy our basic freedom and spiritual ideals."
Nanny stateism, says Theodoros Panayiotou, head of CIIM and vocal advocate of insurance competition under the NHS.
based on a philosophy of government utterly obnoxious and foreign to most Texans." Describing compulsory education supported by tax dollars as "repugnant," Eby concluded, "This radical system of education practicing the philosophy of stateism [sic] was the ultimate of tyranny."
After World War II, Peale joined Spiritual Mobilization as it fought "pagan stateism," or communism.
They are: (a) Republicanism, (b) Populism, (c) Secularism, (d) Revolutionalism, (e) Nationalism, and (f) Stateism, (Karal, 1997).
The truth of the matter is that the holier than thou Ministers of Health and Justice have stepped a bridge too far in the direction of nanny stateism, and consequently encourage disrespect for the laws of the land.
In fact you have a severe judgment of freedom, for you have written that "the spirit of freedom [leads] in itself to misrule and excess." I fear that your internal dialectic of freedom and order too easily capitulates to excessive structure and stateism. Indeed, I may avoid the language of "virtue" carrying with it the baggage of Aristotelianism and its philosophical fetish with substances, natures, essences, teleology--in short that whole metaphysic of inert reality.
"They're highly trained technocrats, and they've reduced the amount of stateism to make life simpler for people who want to create jobs.
Ironically, it was carried out by a president (Carlos Saul Menem) belonging to the same Peronist Party that had been responsible for introducing "stateism" in the country in the 1940s and 1950s, and again from 1973 to 1976.
He called the ban Nanny Stateism and simply appears to have looked in Leinster House for somewhere to smoke.