standing crop

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standing crop

The total quantity of living organisms, as of plankton, in a specific area at a given time.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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"Sometimes the inhabitants have had the idea to burn the forests, and even the standing crops, in order to arrest the progress of these insects; but the first ranks plunging into the flames would extinguish them beneath their mass, and the rest of the swarm would then pass irresistibly onward.
Locals said it began raining in the evening and continued for hours affecting their standing crop of wheat and vegetables while the flooding damaged roads, electricity and telephone systems.
Rawalpindi -- Spokesman of Agriculture department Punjab has said that farmers are advised to pay special heed towards their standing crops. Farmers should attentively keep watch an eye on Radio, TV weather forecast and make their irrigation plans for standing crop accordingly.
About 63.9 percent of the updated standing crop of more than 900,000 hectares had already been harvested.
From October 2018 to March 2019, Iloilo province has a standing crop of rice of 32,181 hectares which cover 38,618 farmers.
'About 37 percent of the 1.037 million hectares standing crop were still at vegetative stage, 16.4 percent at reproductive stage and 46.6 percent at maturing stage,' it added.
According to DPAC evaluation mentioned in its 'Recommendation Report' published on Jan 31, 2014, every land owner will be paid Rs4,054 per fruit tree, Rs1,118 per wild tree, Rs181,350 per tube-well, Rs57,492 per acre of standing crop and Rs75,449 per water channel irrigating the land.
Finding trees inside a standing crop is like hitting the Powerball since trees attract whitetails like rotting meat attracts flies.
For direct-cut canola harvest, optional hydraulically driven vertical knives driven from the header cut through the standing crop. Table sections can be inserted by hand, allowing another 30 cm (12 in.) to catch additional canola.
"We have already had comments on what a good idea it is to sell the standing crop and it is likely that we will have a further 200 acres to sell in the Belford area," said Border Livestock Exchange director James Logan.
Aboveground standing crops. - Seven species of perennial grasses, 1 species of sedge, 4 species of annual grasses, 14 species of forbs, and 3 species of shrubs and succulents contributed to standing crop estimates (Table 1).
In this paper, we report on a natural productivity gradient where herbivores were unable to control plant standing crop. At high levels of primary productivity we found a dense vegetation but a low herbivore grazing pressure, even though large carnivores were absent.

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