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(Medicine) another name for lip-reading
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Among the topics are assessing hearing acuity and speech recognition, audiovisual speech perception and speech-reading training, assessing conversational fluency and communication difficulties, older adults, and detecting and confirming hearing loss in children.
As for speech-reading, construed here as the ability to match faces on the basis of photographed mouth shape, this too has been shown to dissociate from identity recognition.
There are several reasons to test the primeability of speech-reading in some detail.
In particular, some speech-reading tasks may be sensitive to identity.
For speech-reading in particular, it would be rash to dismiss the possibility that familiarity has no effect on face analysis.
There are several reasons why it would be interesting to explore the interaction between speech-reading and face recognition in experiments analogous to those of Ellis et al.
Our previous studies used personally familiar face images and suggested that speech-reading and identification processes did not interact, thus extending earlier findings to personally familiar faces.
EXPERIMENT 1: Speech-reading or expression, then identity
In this experiment we sought to extend Ellis et al.'s (1990) findings to speech-reading. These authors found that identity task (famous or not?) faces were reliably primed when the images of those individuals had been seen in an earlier task - the nature of the first task did not substantially alter the extent of priming.
In the first phase, a single face was presented for an expression or a speech-reading based decision.
Expression and speech-reading tasks were administered between-subjects.
The chapters on adults cover assessing hearing acuity and speech recognition, listening devices and related technology, audiovisual speech perception and speech-reading training, communication strategies and conversational styles, assessment of conversational fluency and communication difficulties, communication strategies training, counseling, psychosocial support, and assertiveness training, and aural rehabilitation plans.