sovereign debt

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sovereign debt

(Economics) the debt of a national government, esp debt that is issued in a foreign currency
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Discussions include appropriate strategies for sovereign debt management, drawing on lessons learned in Africa and other regions of the world.
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-September 27, 2018--BNP researcher says eurozone banking systems have reduced exposure to sovereign debt
M2 EQUITYBITES-September 27, 2018--BNP researcher says eurozone banking systems have reduced exposure to sovereign debt
Global Banking News-September 27, 2018--BNP researcher says eurozone banking systems have reduced exposure to sovereign debt
The government will continue to make scheduled interest payments on local currency sovereign debt, but payments of principal will be extended until restructuring agreements are completed.
SOVEREIGN DEBT can get the ball rolling again as he takes a drop in class for the Weatherbys Racing Bank Supporting Mental Health Foundation Stakes at Windsor.
This is chiefly because fiscal consolidation measures in all Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and higher oil prices will likely reduce GCC sovereigns' funding needs, according to a report titled, Sovereign Debt 2018: MENA Borrowing to Decline By 6% to $181 Billion.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- The US Treasury Department cautioned that extension of sanctions against the Russian sovereign debt and Russian derivative securities may lead to adverse consequences not merely for the Russian but also for the global financial market and for US investors, as such statement is made in the report sent by the US Treasury to the US Congress, Bloomberg reported on Friday.
It is fair to say that the global sovereign debt market is governed
Moreover, the sovereign debt as an essential element of government macroeconomic policy influences the financial performances of the companies and their future development and growth.