smack talk

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smack talk

disparaging or abusive remarks intended to put off or intimidate someone, esp an opponent prior to or during a sports match
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029 2030 4400 FILM Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw (12A) Ever since hulking lawman Hobbs and lawless outcast Shaw first faced off in 2015's Fast & Furious 7, the duo have swapped smack talk and body blows as they've tried to take each other down.
He smiled a lot at the smack talk on Tuesday, though the verbiage never got out of hand like it did for his previous bout, when he toyed with Adrien Broner for 12 rounds in January.
With my gun pointed in his direction I'll smack talk him with a mouth call and if he fires off and starts gobbling I get to enjoy the show.
Sometimes I think smack talk is a sign of doubt and a sign of trying to convince himself and others that he's ready for the challenge.
So was the overall performance, sparked in no small part by the memories of last season's loss and the fact that Oregon State seemed to rub it in with some smack talk this week.
Themes of honesty, integrity, and inner strength are tempered with a healthy dose of snark and smack talk as teammates face off against each other during deadly "practice" sessions that test both mental and physical strength.
Fourteen speakers throughout the building and across the starlit campus of the Imaginarium will broadcast plenty of smack talk and play-by-plays of the cutting-edge competition, along with important announcements regarding the fabulous live and silent auction.
While modern roller derby has lost the staged outcomes and scripted 'smack talk' of the original, it has kept the theatrical names and the flamboyance.
When you replace inner smack talk with encouraging self-talk you will be better able to meet adversity and challenges and do things that will contribute to greater success.
He shrugged off all the smack talk and saying that he will be focused once the tournament starts.