situation map

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situation map

A map showing the tactical or the administrative situation at a particular time. See also map.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
Desai called up the main situation map. With the flash mobs and projected positions of the rebels combined, it was clear that the city was being cut in two.
A replacement to the legacy system, GeFuSys, FAUST presents users with a digital situation map that is automatically updated by messages across command levels, according to EADS.
Visitors to the site can be provided, upon request, with a situation map for any of the 7000 Dr.
The projection television is in the front of the control room and typically displays a traffic situation map. The CCTV monitors can display realistic traffic scenes for any of 60 locations in the simulated roadway system.
An assistant G-3 plotted the assembly area on the situation map and measured distance.

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