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(Military) a military situation report
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Again though, the message is decipherable despite the presence of acronyms: "That SITREP was 2 KIA, 3 WIA.
"Punisher One, Punisher One, this is Punisher Six, SITREP, (6) over." Me and the others looked at the hand-mic and we all waited for an answer.
Lower and higher CBRN reports CBRN SITREP. (CBRN staff level (CBRNWRS).
Earlier this year, VATC launched a special operations variant of its simulated intelligence training environment platform, or SITREP, to help SOCOM train its intelligence officers.
Information gathered is ultimately conveyed as a situation report (SITREP) rather than an answered PIR.
OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) 2014, 'Occupied Palestinian territory: Gaza emergency--situation report (as of 4 September 2014, 08:00 hrs)', 4 September, viewed 1 February, 2015, opt sitrep 04 09 2014.pdf
Getting a sitrep from the cops and tracking down my game scouts took most of the first day; there was an office, but it would be little use to me.
After arriving at our holding position, we got a SITREP update from our JTAC, and received our first bomb on target 9-line for a tank in the open in the live-weapon range.
You'll snipe from afar, get a "sitrep'' (situation report) and be advised to "let them pass.'' You'll fight on a bridge, on an aircraft carrier, in a forest, at a fancy resort.
UNHCR Turkey Syrian Refugee Daily Sitrep, July 25, 2014.
Faleomavaega followed most of the extensive schedule prepared by post, but he and the Micronesians apparently preferred to meet on their own, perhaps to encourage a more open dialogue."); TFHO1: Honduras Coup Sitrep #69, WIKILEAKS (Oct.
"The status at YGC on 20/02/2013, 20:53 Is: Amber High/ SITREP Level 3 / Severe Pressure Prioritise available capacity in order to meet immediate pressures.