short circuit

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short circuit

A low-resistance connection between two points in an electric circuit through which the current tends to flow rather than along the intended path. A short circuit can damage the circuit by overheating.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

short circuit

(Electronics) a faulty or accidental connection between two points of different potential in an electric circuit, bypassing the load and establishing a path of low resistance through which an excessive current can flow. It can cause damage to the components if the circuit is not protected by a fuse
1. (Electronics) to develop or cause to develop a short circuit
2. (tr) to bypass (a procedure, regulation, etc)
3. (tr) to hinder or frustrate (plans, etc)
Sometimes (for senses 1, 2) shortened to: short
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

short′ cir′cuit

an abnormal condition of relatively low resistance between two points of differing potential in a circuit, usu. resulting in a flow of excess current.


a. to make (a switch, etc.) inoperable by establishing a short circuit in.
b. to carry (a current) as a short circuit.
2. to bypass, impede, or frustrate.
3. to form or become disabled by a short circuit.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

short circuit

A path that allows most of the current in an electric circuit to flow around or away from the principal elements or devices in the circuit. Short circuits can cause too much current to flow through one part of the circuit, often causing the circuit to break.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.short circuit - accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference
circuit, electric circuit, electrical circuit - an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow
tangency, contact - (electronics) a junction where things (as two electrical conductors) touch or are in physical contact; "they forget to solder the contacts"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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short circuit

n (Elec) → cortocircuito
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ʃoːt) adjective
1. not long. You look nice with your hair short; Do you think my dress is too short?
2. not tall; smaller than usual. a short man.
3. not lasting long; brief. a short film; in a very short time; I've a very short memory for details.
4. not as much as it should be. When I checked my change, I found it was 20 cents short.
5. (with of) not having enough (money etc). Most of us are short of money these days.
6. (of pastry) made so that it is crisp and crumbles easily.
1. suddenly; abruptly. He stopped short when he saw me.
2. not as far as intended. The shot fell short.
ˈshortness noun
ˈshortage (-tidʒ) noun
a lack; the state of not having enough. a shortage of water.
ˈshorten verb
to make or become shorter. The dress is too long – we'll have to shorten it.
ˈshortening noun
(especially American) the fat used for making pastry.
ˈshortly adverb
soon. He will be here shortly; Shortly after that, the police arrived.
shorts noun plural
short trousers for men or women.
ˈshortbread noun
a kind of crisp, crumbling biscuit.
ˌshort-ˈchange verb
to cheat (a buyer) by giving him too little change.
short circuit the missing out by an electric current of a part of an electrical circuit (verb ˌshort-ˈcircuit)
ˈshortcoming noun
a fault.
ˈshortcut noun
a quicker way between two places. I'm in a hurry – I'll take a shortcut across the field.
ˈshorthand noun
a method of writing rapidly, using strokes, dots etc to represent sounds.
ˌshort-ˈhanded adjective
having fewer workers than are necessary or usual.
ˈshort-list noun
a list of candidates selected from the total number of applicants for a job etc.
to put on a short-list. We've short-listed three of the twenty applicants.
ˌshort-ˈlived (-ˈlivd) , ((American) -ˈlaivd) adjective
living or lasting only for a short time. short-lived insects; short-lived enthusiasm.
ˌshort-ˈrange adjective
1. not reaching a long distance. short-range missiles.
2. not covering a long time. a short-range weather forecast.
ˌshort-ˈsighted adjective
seeing clearly only things that are near. I don't recognize people at a distance because I'm short-sighted.
ˌshort-ˈsightedly adverb
ˌshort-ˈsightedness noun
ˌshort-ˈtempered adjective
easily made angry. My husband is very short-tempered in the mornings.
ˌshort-ˈterm adjective
1. concerned only with the near future. short-term plans.
2. lasting only a short time. a short-term loan.
by a short head
by a very small amount. to win by a short head.
for short
as an abbreviation. His name is Victor, but we call him Vic for short.
go short
to cause oneself not to have enough of something. Save this carton for tomorrow, or else we'll go short (of milk).
in short
in a few words.
in short supply
not available in sufficient quantity. Fresh vegetables are in short supply.
make short work of
to dispose of very quickly. The children made short work of the ice-cream.
run short
1. (of a supply) to become insufficient. Our money is running short.
2. (with of) not to have enough. We're running short of money.
short and sweet
His reply was short and sweet: `Get out!' he shouted.
short for
an abbreviation of. `Phone' is short for `telephone'; What is `Ltd.' short for?
short of
not as far as or as much as. Our total came to just short of $1,000; We stopped five miles short of London.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Wherefore East and Tom, for no earthly pleasure except that of doing what they are told not to do, start away, after second lesson, and making a short circuit through the fields, strike a back lane which leads into the town, go down it, and run plump upon one of the masters as they emerge into the High Street.
Preliminary examinations by members of the police and the department of electromechanical services determined the cause of fire to be a short circuit in the engine of one of the cars.
'The fire broke out because of a short circuit. All record remained safe,' he said.
According to a report issued by Al Barsha police station, experts said the fire happened due to an electric short circuit either in the lighting or in the electric heater kept on the balcony.
"The fire erupted due to a short circuit," said the rescue sources.
'The probable cause of the fire is electrical short circuit resulting from unattended appliance,' he said.
The fire originated from the house of Erlito Valentin caused by an electrical short circuit.
The incident, caused by a short circuit, had resulted in a loss of hundreds of thousands of rupees.
As a contribution, two additional conditions have been imposed to the classical adaptive control structure: a physical limitation of the control variation (the excitation voltage of the induction generator) by using an explicit limiting block, respectively an on-line tuning of the control penalty factor (activated by the short circuit occurrence).
A statement issued by Mall of the Emirates said that "a minor short circuit" in an electrical panel at the mall's parking area.
The NCP112x series regulators feature 650V avalanche rated MOSFET; frequency foldback down to 26kHz and skip cycle in light load conditions; 50ms timer-based auto-recovery short circuit protection; option for auto-recovery or latched short circuit protection; has less than 100mW stand-by power at high line; fixed frequency 65kHz or 100kHz current mode control operation; adjustable current limit with external resistor; frequency jittering in normal and frequency foldback modes; and come in Pb-free PDIP-7 packages.