shop clerk

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: clerk - a salesperson in a storeshop clerk - a salesperson in a store    
sales rep, sales representative, salesperson - a person employed to represent a business and to sell its merchandise (as to customers in a store or to customers who are visited)
shop boy - a young male shop assistant
shop girl - a young female shop assistant
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Cho then began to cry and the shop clerk tried to comfort her.
Directed by Ernst Lubitsch and released in 1940, this film tells the story of a shop clerk (Jimmy Stewart) who works in a tiny Budapest department store.
55 years for gunman who killed shop clerk in Bensenville
He will have a special participation as beach babe, waitress, photo shop clerk, and lady in red in the film.
For years after his release from the "cowshed," he found it difficult to cope with many everyday tasks such as handling a simple purchase with a shop clerk; during months on end as a prisoner, he had become habituated to "staring at the ground wherever I went and being cursed and threatened."
According to Paula, a shop clerk in the nearby village of Ain al-Delb, "children have started choosing [their] candles for Palm Sunday ...
A SHOP clerk raises his arms in jubilation after learning he sold one of the winning tickets in the world's biggest ever lotto jackpot.
"Create great experiences for people," said Sternlicht, "every store, every shop clerk, everybody in your mall.
The poster, which was shown on NHK, directed people interested in working in Syria to the shop clerk. It said a monthly wage of 15,000 RMB (around $2,400) was payable for people "not afraid of violence" to work alongside Uighurs in Syria.
"But I handed 120 yen to the shop clerk today and she told me it was now 123 yen -- that unnerved me." Others, like a 20-year-old graduate surnamed Yoshida -- who is set to start a new job and live on her own -- have been planning for the hike, with some help.
Earlier in the month the stabbing of a 20-year-old shop clerk in the centre of Sofia led to the arrest of an illegal Algerian migrant a couple of days later and protests by nationalists.
An ex-betting shop clerk is odds-on to become Britain's first online billionaire gambling mogul.