

Religious doctrine stressing salvation of the soul.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. any religious teachings in which are emphasized doctrines concerning the saving of the soul.
2. the doctrines of the saving of the soul.
3. evangelism, especially that calling for individuals to make open and public conversions. — salvationist, n. — salvational, adj.
See also: Protestantism
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Wolfgang Sachs' (1992) claim that the development industry has secularized the narrative of Christian Salvationism also shows that Christianity may fall short in expressing a more plural soteriology.
In particular, we highlight three areas that signify a conceptual transformation in the field of service-learning that has already begun to take place in its earliest form: (a) the problematization of charity and salvationism; (b) a critique of White normativity paired with the burgeoning diversification of authors and perspectives; and (c) a pedagogical and curricular embrace of emotions--especially those related to tension, ambiguity, and discomfort.
Thomas Cripps, the first scholar to tackle the Williams's oeuvre, called The Blood of Jesus "an anatomy of black salvationism and rural values"; he understood the movie as an extension of the evangelists James and Eloyce Gist's dramatized sermons, and compared Williams to Grandma Moses.
The story of "Salvationism" in Newbiggin by the Sea commenced in 1902.
(12) Other people say that there is no difference between Sun Wenism and Statism [Guojiazhuyi [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]] because both are national salvationisms. This is reasonable, but Sun Wenism is not simply a national salvationism; it uses national salvation as only a first step.
William Booth also said, "Our social operations are the natural outcome of Salvationism, or, I might say, of Christianity as instituted, described, proclaimed, and exemplified in the life, teaching, and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Social justice was merely a bit of political salvationism trading by its name on the real conceptions of justice found in any stable state.
This deed is but one of many wrongs perpetrated by humans deceived by sinister Christianity, which with Judaism and Islam, constitutes "salvationism: the totalitarian belief system that asserts divine intercession in human history, and imbues suffering with redemptive value ...
Traditional Chinese religions with adherents constituting less than 5 percent of the population include: I Kuan Tao, Tien Ti Chiao (Heaven Emperor Religion), Tien Te Chiao (Heaven Virtue Religion), Li-ism, Hsuan Yuan Chiao (Yellow Emperor Religion), Tian Li Chiao (Tenrikyo), Universe Maitreya Emperor Religion, Hai Tze Tao, Confucianism, Zhonghua Sheng Chiao (Chinese Holy Religion), Da Yi Chiao (Great Changes Religion), Pre-cosmic Salvationism, and Huang Chung Chiao (Yellow Middle Religion).
Both embark on journeys of self-discovery and self-education that allow for the discussion of issues such as socialism, agnosticism, salvationism, women's rights, and the thin line that separates the human from the beast.
A little light epistemology might have been a pretty harmless addition to journalistic self-understanding had it not soon mutated into a kind of Salvationism. Quite how this mutation occurred is a very large question indeed, but it can best be understood in terms of a similar process happening in most of the professions in the second half of the twentieth century.
Already primed by universal salvationism, Ballou was, like many Universalists, naturally attracted to the great-chain-of-being progressivism of the Spiritualist movement--revealed from beyond the grave, and outlined in great detail through spirit-mediums, and by clairvoyant prophets such as Andrew Jackson Davis.