

1. a woman
2. (Anatomy) a penis
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Now he and two other senior executives--Lewis Runnion, who served as both an enlisted soldier and commissioned officer in the Army, not to mention five years as a reservist; and Dayton Warfle, a 23-year Marine Corps fighter pilot--lead the bank's military-centric activities across the entire institution.
Steve Whittaker, Ryan Kellogg, Public Health--Seattle and King County; Venetia Runnion, Gina Colby, John Stebbins, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, Washington State Department of Labor and Industries; Rad Cunningham, Division of Environmental Public Health, Washington State Department of Health.
Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) has had a long association with human stored food and has been found in association with a wide range of commodities including grain, flour, peas, beans, cacao, nuts, dried fruits, and spices, but milled grain products such as flour appear to be their preferred food (Good, 1936; Campbell and Runnion, 2003).
Ken's research goes back to his earliest known ancestor, Vincent Rongnion (Runyon, Runyan, Runnion, Runions), a Huguenot (French Protestant) from France who came to America with Phillip Carteret on the ship Phillip from Isle of Jersey to Elizabethtown in 1666.
2, 1947, General Manager Guy Runnion had visions of his little 1,000watt daytime station becoming a major player in the market.
Jeff Runnion joins FKI Logistex Real Time Solutions as Midwest regional sales manager ...