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Related to runanga: HAPU


n, pl runanga
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) NZ a Māori assembly or council
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A Te Runanga tauira professional development day on August 8 precedes the conference.
Bloomfield was cross-examined by Te Runanga lawyer Annette Sykes, and acknowledged that racism affected health outcomes.
Last October, eight Maori nurses from Te Runanga NZNO Toputanga Tapuhi Kai Tiaki o Aotearoa gave evidence on their experiences of discrimination in the primary health sector.
The te poari/Te Runanga remit amends the constitution so any constitutional remits affecting Te Runanga or inconsistent with its rules, will now need to be endorsed at hui a-tau before being presented to the NZNO AGM.
Te Runanga was now preparing a briefing paper for Jackson on the pay disparities between nurses working for Maori/ iwi health providers and those in the mainstream health system, she said.
MAORI NURSES have been granted consent to participate in a Waitangi Tribunal inquiry into health inequities, a lawyer representing Te Runanga o Toputanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa (NZNO) says.
TE RUNANGA o Aotearoa is involved with two Waitangi Tribunal claims related to Maori health inequities.
NZNO AND Te Runanga are both "extremely disappointed" at aspects of the End of Life Choice Bill--NZNO that it is silent on nurses' roles and responsibilites; and Te Runanga that it makes no reference to a Maori world view or tikanga Maori processes around death or dying.
A TRAINING day for new NZNO regional and Te Runanga chairs and treasurers late last year aimed to help these volunteers increase their leadership skills, manage their groups' finances, prepare annual plans and better understand the role of all NZNO groups, including colleges and sections.
Introducing the remit, Te Runanga member and former tumu whakarae Tracey Morgan said the remit offered a solution to an inequity.
Te Runanga and Pharmac signed a memorandum of understanding last year and Te Runanga was leading the design of the scholarships, he said.