root position

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Related to root position: root chord

root position

(Music, other) music the vertical distribution of the written notes of a chord in which the root of the chord is in the bass. See position12a, inversion5a
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17-19 of "Star vicino" uses a second inversion dominant seventh chord as a passing function to connect the tonic triad in root position and first inversion.
Chords utilized in upcoming pieces are introduced with two pages of chord warm-ups in root position and first inversion.
As regards the three cases with 2 roots, two presented a mesial (Type V) and distal (One Type I and one Type V) root position; and one had one buccal root with a canal Type II and a Type I lingual root (Table I).
The present article reports a case series of 2 cases of apical fenestration in necrotic immature permanent teeth associated with apical periodontitis and mucosal breakdown where the soft and hard tissue defects were successfully treated by orthodontic correction of abnormal tooth root position that eventually led to closure of fenestration followed by regenerative endodontic management of immature root apex with apical periodontitis.
The limitations of the straight-wire appliance become apparent, however, when one considers the variations inherent in natural crown forms, as well as the variations of root position in relation to the clinical crown (Fig 2).
The bottom staff of the grand staff begins with a tonic triad in root position underneath the first five notes of the scale in the top staff.
Cultivar TD Score([dagger]) 0.48 0.41 LRN Score 0.57 0.53 LRD Score 0.17 0.33 LRP Score 0.87 0.30 FRM Score 0.40 0.29 ([dagger]) TD, Taproot diameter, LRN, Lateral root number; LRD, Lateral root diameter, LRP, Lateral root position, FIRM, Fibrous root mass.
The harmonies are as simple as can be, overwhelmingly I and V, often in root position. Chromaticism is limited to the leading tone to the dominant.
The held dominant ninth chord on G[flat] in root position, which forms the focus of the opening phrases of No.
The instability of the root position found using outgroup analysis (see results) motivated the examination of the effect of alternative root position on character reconstruction and midpoint rooting was considered as one example of a slightly suboptimal root position.