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v. ro·man·ti·cized, ro·man·ti·ciz·ing, ro·man·ti·ciz·es
To view or interpret romantically; make romantic.
To think in a romantic way.

ro·man′ti·ci·za′tion (-sĭ-zā′shən) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.romanticization - the act of indulging in sentiment
idealization, glorification, idealisation - a portrayal of something as ideal; "the idealization of rural life was very misleading"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
A kind of romanticization of the urban environment by the artist shows her attitude to the modern urban culture, making her work familiar and realistic despite the fantastic entourage.
I wasn't expecting Goethe's Faust--and neither were most of the international audiences that happily embraced Gounod's melodious romanticization of it in the mid-19th century.
And in theatrics and performance, we do not only show their conditions because that will just be the romanticization of poverty, but we show the roots of their conditions and the solution which the people can literally do, and that is collective action against the root causes of oppression and exploitation.'
'This movie might contribute to either the romanticization of suicide or downright poorer mental health outcomes,' Y4MH chair Raymond John Naguit said.
Roman Turdetania: Romanticization, Identity and Socio-Cultural Interaction in the South of the Iberian Peninsula Between the 4th and 1st Centuries BCE
Barlow does well to distance himself from this public history, offering a critique on their whitewashing historical narrative stating, "the removal of dissent and the romanticization of hard times, unemployment, alcoholism, and especially violence in the Griffintown landscape shape the narrative." (151)
The strongest poems in The Last Shift, however, concern themselves with the relationship between working-class life and its romanticization in poetry--the question, that is, of how one properly poeticizes or mythologizes or waxes nostalgic about such traditionally "unpoetic" material as tool and die factories or, as Levine puts it, "Chevy Gear & Axle / grinding the night-shift workers / into antiquity." In the poem "Urban Myths," for instance, Levine writes that "In Detroit no one walks under the moon / much less talks to it or to the unseen stars / that years ago we stopped believing were there." Yet such resistance to lyricism--the implication that there will be, in Detroit, no moons or stars or gods or love or light--is counterbalanced by the poem's redemptive close:
She documents romanticization of the "leaderless network" enabled by technology, pointing out that this ideology disabled Occupy from taking on either programmatic form or tactical flexibility.
The baroque formality of the works on view in Los Angeles--their clean lines, exquisite attention to detail, and lack of patina--prevented the exhibition from slipping into didactic tedium or overwrought romanticization of Warsaw's architectural legacy crumbling under the weight of its ideology.
The Amish's relationship with the outside world is covered in a chapter called "Amish Images." Nolt gives historic background of the romanticization of Amish life, from the musical "Plain and Fancy" in the 1950s to the opening of Lancaster, Pennsylvania's Amish Farm in the 1970s to the acceptance of Amish quilts as serious art in the 1980s.
What was excluded, both the past century and a quarter and virtually any detail of the English colonial presence, is as significant as the romanticization of the select mythic and historic figures that did appear."