

tr.v. re·pub·li·can·ized, re·pub·li·can·iz·ing, re·pub·li·can·iz·es
To make republican.

re·pub′li·can·i·za′tion (-kə-nĭ-zā′shən) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(rɪˈpʌblɪkəˌnaɪz) or


(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (tr) to make republican
reˌpublicaniˈzation, reˌpublicaniˈsation n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: republicanized
Gerund: republicanizing

I republicanize
you republicanize
he/she/it republicanizes
we republicanize
you republicanize
they republicanize
I republicanized
you republicanized
he/she/it republicanized
we republicanized
you republicanized
they republicanized
Present Continuous
I am republicanizing
you are republicanizing
he/she/it is republicanizing
we are republicanizing
you are republicanizing
they are republicanizing
Present Perfect
I have republicanized
you have republicanized
he/she/it has republicanized
we have republicanized
you have republicanized
they have republicanized
Past Continuous
I was republicanizing
you were republicanizing
he/she/it was republicanizing
we were republicanizing
you were republicanizing
they were republicanizing
Past Perfect
I had republicanized
you had republicanized
he/she/it had republicanized
we had republicanized
you had republicanized
they had republicanized
I will republicanize
you will republicanize
he/she/it will republicanize
we will republicanize
you will republicanize
they will republicanize
Future Perfect
I will have republicanized
you will have republicanized
he/she/it will have republicanized
we will have republicanized
you will have republicanized
they will have republicanized
Future Continuous
I will be republicanizing
you will be republicanizing
he/she/it will be republicanizing
we will be republicanizing
you will be republicanizing
they will be republicanizing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been republicanizing
you have been republicanizing
he/she/it has been republicanizing
we have been republicanizing
you have been republicanizing
they have been republicanizing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been republicanizing
you will have been republicanizing
he/she/it will have been republicanizing
we will have been republicanizing
you will have been republicanizing
they will have been republicanizing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been republicanizing
you had been republicanizing
he/she/it had been republicanizing
we had been republicanizing
you had been republicanizing
they had been republicanizing
I would republicanize
you would republicanize
he/she/it would republicanize
we would republicanize
you would republicanize
they would republicanize
Past Conditional
I would have republicanized
you would have republicanized
he/she/it would have republicanized
we would have republicanized
you would have republicanized
they would have republicanized
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in periodicals archive ?
She campaigned not to secure a broader range of choices for women, but to perfect and republicanize the institution of marriage so that women might realize their potential as mothers and Christians.
(44) It was their "'high calling' to Protestantize, republicanize, and generally educate the progeny of reservationists." (45) In a speech Elizabeth gave to Hampton graduates in 1915, she recalled her arrival at the Blackfeet school: "My first day ...
Such an attitude tempts a republican people to republicanize everything so as to make government resemble a monarchy as little as possible.
Through demands for an eight-hour workday, "living wages," and an "American Standard of Living" labor leaders and organizations sought to republicanize consumer society.
order to republicanize the identities of the parishioners and their
The most recent example was the 1999 referendum to republicanize the head of state that was roundly defeated.
There then arose the question of whether the role of Republican women was t, "republicanize" the women's movement or to "feminize" the Republican movement.
His intent was not to "republicanize" or even "anglicize" imperial law, but rather to enlist its authority for relatively traditional aims within the existing social framework.
These could be comparatively minor skirmishes, like the attempt by the municipal government of Cadiz in 1873 to "republicanize" the city's street names, effacing all Catholic references.
No PGS workers ever devised a consistently radical politics, he argues, to challenge the industrial elite, and efforts to republicanize the workplace came to naught.
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