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v. re·mem·bered, re·mem·ber·ing, re·mem·bers
a. To recall to the mind with effort; think of again: I finally remembered the address.
b. To have (something) arise in one's memory; become aware of (something) suddenly or spontaneously: Then I remembered that today is your birthday.
2. To retain in the memory: Remember your appointment.
3. To keep (someone) in mind as worthy of consideration or recognition.
4. To reward with a gift or tip: remembered his niece in his will.
5. To give greetings from: Remember me to your family.
6. Engineering To return to (an original shape or form) after being deformed or altered. Used especially of certain materials.
7. Archaic To remind.
1. To have or use the power of memory.
2. To recall something; have a recollection.

[Middle English remembren, from Old French remembrer, from Latin rememorārī, to remember again : re-, re- + memor, mindful; see (s)mer- in Indo-European roots.]

re·mem′ber·a·bil′i·ty n.
re·mem′ber·a·ble adj.
re·mem′ber·er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.remembering - the cognitive processes whereby past experience is rememberedremembering - the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered; "he can do it from memory"; "he enjoyed remembering his father"
basic cognitive process - cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge
immediate memory, short-term memory, STM - what you can repeat immediately after perceiving it
working memory - memory for intermediate results that must be held during thinking
long-term memory, LTM - your general store of remembered information
retrieval - the cognitive operation of accessing information in memory; "my retrieval of people's names is very poor"
recollection, reminiscence, recall - the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort); "he has total recall of the episode"
recognition, identification - the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering; "a politician whose recall of names was as remarkable as his recognition of faces"; "experimental psychologists measure the elapsed time from the onset of the stimulus to its recognition by the observer"
connexion, association, connection - the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination; "conditioning is a form of learning by association"
retrospection - memory for experiences that are past; "some psychologists tried to contrast retrospection and introspection"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
That is to say if we suppose that A is the event remembered, B the remembering, and t the interval of time between A and B, there must be some characteristic of B which is capable of degrees, and which, in accurately dated memories, varies as t varies.
When a remembered event has a remembered context, this may occur in two ways, either (a) by successive images in the same order as their prototypes, or (b) by remembering a whole process simultaneously, in the same way in which a present process may be apprehended, through akoluthic sensations which, by fading, acquire the mark of just-pastness in an increasing degree as they fade, and are thus placed in a series while all sensibly present.
We could then have said that remembering is a direct relation between the present act or subject and the past occurrence remembered: the act of remembering is present, though its object is past.
There is, for example, a habit of remembering a unique event.
At the same time, if we accept the vague datum with which we began, to the effect that, in some sense, there is knowledge of the past, we shall have to find, if we can, such an account of the present occurrence in remembering as will make it not impossible for remembering to give us knowledge of the past.
Then, astounded by the quantity of beer that was lacking, and remembering having seen stale beer made to foam afresh, I took a stick and stirred what was left till it foamed to the brim.
They were both remembering what the woman had said when she took the money: "God give you a happy love!" It was not in the ingratiating tone of the habitual beggar: it had come out of the depths of the poor creature's sorrow, vibrating with pity for their youth and despair at the terribleness of human life; it had the anguish of a voice of prophecy.
Likewise, before me there flitted the image of Polina; and I kept remembering, and reminding myself, that it was to HER I was going, that it was in HER presence I should soon be standing, that it was SHE to whom I should soon be able to relate and show everything.
"Normally we dream most vividly in REM sleep, which is when the levels of noradrenaline are low in the brain," she says.We may find ourselves dreaming right before we wake up but our morning routines actually get in the way of remembering the imagery.
16, 1989 - May 12, 2016 Remembering a beautiful baby boy who came into this world 30 years ago today.
The poppy is a symbol of our remembering. So I ask - what will we do with our remembering after Remembrance Day?
Finally later this year Remembrance Sunday will also mark the centenary of Armistice Day.This is indeed a year of remembering.