recycle bin

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recycle bin

n (Comput) → Papierkorb m
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References in periodicals archive ?
And yes, it is part of our - the consumer's - responsibility to see that we're not throwing away half-empty cans and jars of sauce and jelly into the recycle bin. No, we don't need to wash the plastic bags - just ensure that they don't have residual waste (crumbs, etc.) in them before tossing them in the recycle bin.
The hidden Recycle Bin issue also plagues users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 as well as those who have upgraded to Windows 10.
The reason for the eviction of recycle bin in Android OS phones is vague.
Many Windows users that work with large amount of files and documents would like to have the Recycle Bin always at hand, and the system taskbar appears to be the best place for this.
To get the file back, you need only double-click the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop, find the file, right-click it, and select Restore.
EMPTYING the bins can be a chore at the best of times, even emptying the virtual windows recycle bin is a task often overlooked.
Just because you've sent a file to the recycle bin (or trash for Macintosh users) doesn't mean that the file is permanently deleted.
Summary: Thirteen-year-old Shashwik Shetty looks very simple, but is full of energy and enthusiasm that lead him to start a signature campaign initiative for a recycle bin in the Oud Metha locality.
I religiously sort and fill my recycle bin for collection on alternative Thursdays, leaving it at my gate from 7.30am until they arrive any time during the day up until 5.30pm.