

1. archaic a pinch or small handful
2. obsolete a fist fighter
3. (Military) military US a padded pole used in military training
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Held in Bullough Park, this year's event will include a climbing wall, bouncy castles, slides, a sound truck, a Gladiators Pugil sticks-type challenge, small mechanical rides, Birds of Prey and much more.
Challenge your mates to a duel, stand on the podium and try to knock your opponent off using the pugil sticks!
Before the finish 'gladiators' armed with pugil sticks tried to sweep the feet of exhausted competitors.
KATHRYN EVANS reckons taking the baton in her relay handover tonight will be easy - after taking a PUGIL STICK in the ribs on her way to winning Gladiators.
A TYNESIDE doctor is trading the stethoscope for a pugil stick as she takes up her role as a star on television show Gladiators as Amazon.
It also included a block of instruction on flak vests, helmets, and pugil sticks (heavily padded training weapons that are usually color-coded to represent the butt and bayonet of an M16 or M4 weapon).
The old favourites are back - the eliminator, the pyramid and the pugil sticks (giant cotton buds to you and me).