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the principle of electing officials by proportionality. — proportionalist, n., adj.
See also: Politics
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Strength Proportionalism: The magnitude of the benefit you receive from a given satisfied desire matches, at least in some respect, the strength of the desire.
It is certainly true that the dissent from HV was the impetus for the development of the now abandoned moral system of proportionalism, which was the impetus for Veritatis splendor.
The most popular and polyvalent of misbegotten revisionist approaches, namely, proportionalism and consequentialism, Veritatis Splendor flatly rejected.
This reflects the application of the principle of proportionalism,
How similar is this to the words of the high priest Caiaphas that condemned Jesus to death: 'You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish.' In moral philosophy or ethics, this argument is called proportionalism or consequentialism.
Constitutional Rights: Proportionalism and Specificationism", Ratio
Eastland opposes proportional representation diversity: "Ultimately, the problem with proportionalism is that it treats groups, not individuals, and it is individuals who take tests, achieve grade point averages, choose colleges, majors, and careers--and who also may defy racial and ethnic classifications." Id.
NNA - We are favourably disposed toward electoral proportionalism based on a couple or more departments, Hizbullah deputy of the House Ali Fayyad, told a group of party-affiliated high school graduates in Nabatiyeh today.
These attempts are now grouped under the generic name "Proportionalism." Actually, the attempts were many and varied and not all in agreement with each other.
Similarly, both the rational-mathematical proportionalism and the metaphoric proportionalism of Timaeus's account also suggest the congruency between the parts and the whole of the cosmos.
A.'s casting of proportionalism as an "ethics of holistic reasoning" helpfully captures the human dynamism at work in what at times seemed an abstract controversy over the mechanics of the moral object.

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