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 (prĕz′ĭ-dənt, -dĕnt′)
1. One appointed or elected to preside over an organized body of people, such as an assembly or meeting.
a. The chief executive of a republic.
b. The chief executive officer of the United States, with powers as determined by the US Constitution.
3. The chief officer of a branch of government, corporation, board of trustees, university, or similar body.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin praesidēns, praesident-, from present participle of praesidēre, to preside; see preside.]

pres′i·dent·ship′ n.
Usage Note: Occupations that are also titles, like president, doctor, and senator are normally capitalized when they precede a proper name but are not capitalized when used as common nouns: the comments of President Obama; the president's news conference.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.presidentship - the office and function of president; "Andrew Jackson expanded the power of the presidency beyond what was customary before his time"
berth, billet, post, situation, position, office, place, spot - a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"
Chief Executive, President of the United States, President - the office of the United States head of state; "a President is elected every four years"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
A successful medical career which promised to end in a presidentship of a college and a baronetcy, had been cut short by his sudden inheritance of a considerable sum from a grateful patient, which had rendered him independent for life, and had enabled him to turn his attention to the more scientific part of his profession, which had always had a greater charm for him than its more practical and commercial aspect.
He himself had good reason for thinking so, as he had obtained the presidentship by rebelling while in charge of this same fortress.
"What can be better to have it named after man who got it rebuilt under his presidentship. It was Arun Jaitley's support that players like Virat Kohli, Virender Sehwag, Gautam Gambhir, Ashish Nehra, Rishabh Pant and many others could make India proud," DDCA President Rajat Sharma said.
But in case of PCF, the NOC is ignoring the fact that it (PCF) under the presidentship of Kokab Nadeem Warraich is the only legitimate cycling federation of Pakistan," he added.
Meeting of lawyer's forum was held under the presidentship of Iftikhar Jadoon which was largely attended by the lawyer's community and they all termed the decision of government according to constitution of Pakistan.
Some are hoping that Pakistan might get a breather with China taking on the presidentship of FATF from October.
The Chairman of the Northern Senators Forum, Senator Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko, has denied statement credited to him saying eighty two (82), Senators are so far backing Senator Ahmed Lawan's aspiration to clinch the Presidentship of the ninth Senate.
party presidentship and premiership at the same time", he added.
A meeting of the PCP's general council was held on Friday under the presidentship of Dr M.
For the presidentship, Mohammad Ahmed Shah, Mohammad Aslam, Najim Ud Din Shaikh and Qari Mohammad Sadaqat Ali submitted their nomination forms.
KARACHI -- Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Saturday presided over a pre-CCI meeting at CM House to review the agenda and his government's decisions for CCI meeting to be held under the presidentship of prime minister on September 24 in Islamabad.
He said PTI had named Dr Arif Alvi for the Presidentship candidate and he would be successful.